Cigars are not just rolled tobacco products, they are a crystallization of culture, history, and craftsmanship, a ritual, and a perfect journey from the fields to the cigar bar. This journey is a true art of respecting time, pursuing quality, and focusing on details.
This journey begins with tobacco cultivation, a process that requires precise climate, soil, and countless manual care. Tobacco growers must have sensitivity to the natural environment and be able to understand the subtle changes in wind, rain, sunlight, and nutrient elements in the soil. In Pinar del Rio in Cuba, Estri in Nicaragua, or Santiago in the Dominican Republic, tobacco fields in these places are like artists’ canvases, each piece of land telling its unique story.
When the harvest season arrives, tobacco leaves are carefully picked and then enter the fermentation process. This process requires precise control of temperature and humidity to ensure a balance between sugar and nicotine in tobacco leaves. Fermented tobacco leaves will become soft, oily, and have a richer aroma. Here, time is the key factor in tobacco conversion, and good cigar tobacco may take several years to mature and ferment.
The next step is the process of cigar making, which is a highly skilled handicraft. Cigar makers, also known as “Toledo,” skillfully roll together filling tobacco leaves, adhesive tobacco leaves, and outer tobacco leaves. Every cigar requires precise manual operation to ensure even burning of tobacco and the flavor of the cigar. The process of making cigars is like sculpture, every cutting, rolling, and shaping must be incredibly precise.
Then, cigars need to be aged in a constant temperature and humidity environment. At this stage, cigars will further develop the complexity of their taste and aroma. The length of aging time depends on the type of cigar and the expected flavor characteristics, and some cigars may even age for decades.
Finally, when the cigars complete this journey, they will be transported to cigar bars, tobacco shops, and collectors around the world. In these places, cigar enthusiasts will light their cigars in a ceremonial atmosphere, take a deep puff, and savor them carefully. In the smoke of cigars, there is not only the taste of tobacco, but also the memories of the land, the sedimentation of time, and the sweat of craftsmen.
The art of cigars lies in their entire journey, from cultivation to enjoyment, each step filled with respect for tradition and persistence in quality. It is not just a form of enjoyment, but also a reflection of one’s attitude towards life. In the busy and ever-changing modern life, cigars remind us to slow down, enjoy the present, and experience every delicacy and profundity in life.